Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I am the epiphany of zen...

(poking fun at my boyfriend for using the word 'epitome' when he meant 'epiphany'!)

Well today hasn't started so well. I got a ticket for expired registration and inspection tags. A motorcycle cop was parked in the median checking out each car as it drove by. I had nowhere to go, I could see him checking out the stickers and as I drove by he turned on his lights and wheeled around to come get me. Sigh... so I pulled over like a good little girl and didn't make any excuses to try and get out of it, and got my ticket.

As I drove off, up ahead I saw a dreaded bus in my lane. It was the same bus I had already passed, but ended up behind it again when I had to stop for my ticket. Well I waited patiently behind the bus, traffic was steady in the other lane so I couldn't move over. Finally I could move over and pass it. Then I got to the coffee shop, I could tell I was gonna need a triple shot today. After I got my coffee and left, I was driving along, and what do I see in front of me, the SAME DREADED BUS! WTF mate! It was the 3rd time this morning. I passed it easily enough this time though. If the rest of my day is this bad... GULP!

But all in all, I have to say that I maintained my Zen this morning, when in the past, I probably would have turned into a gnashing, rude, wild-driving jerk. Big, out.

1 comment:

CoffellC said...

I am so proud of you! :)